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About Your Cleaning Service

Going above & beyond to provide the best clean possible

Cleanliness plays a large role in the comfort of your home, but many homeowners simply don’t have the time to complete this task due to their busy lifestyles. At Cleaning Service, we recognize that a clean home is a happy home, which is why we’re proud to offer comprehensive home cleaning services.


Health Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services

As a professional cleaning company, we take pride in our ability to reduce bacteria, allergens, and other germs that can spread sickness in your home. Our residential housekeepers have the materials necessary to rid your home of airborne viruses and allergens.


According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), approximately one billion colds are reported every year in the United States alone. The Center for Disease Control reports that kids miss about 22 million school days per year due to the common cold. Cleaning Services strives to reduce this number by helping thousands of families across the country live cleaner, healthier lives.

In order to prevent colds, the NIAID recommends that you and your family:

  • Wash your hands regularly

  • Exercise

  • Eat a balanced diet

  • Clean your home regularly

Our professional housecleaners know where rhinoviruses and other infectious bacteria most commonly reside in homes. Not only do we provide professional services that remove these toxins, but we also employ methods that keep dust under control and help prevent bacteria from returning.

Using the Right Products

Because we care about making your home as clean and enjoyable as possible, our team takes the time to ensure that the right products are being used at all times. Many inexpensive cleaners are diluted and leave residue behind, while the concentrated cleaners we use are much more effective. We’re also happy to take your preferences into account if you prefer that we use our flexible green cleaning solutions.


With more than 30 years of industry-leading experience, our reviews speak for our quality of work. Our customers know that they can count on us to make sure everything is in place and sparkling clean when we leave.


Ready to get started?


Locally Owned

Supplies and Equipment Provided

24 Hour Warranty

Fully Insured

Trusted & Experienced

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