These are the issues that the people care about. As a resident of District 4, I understand what the people have been asking for and what is needed.
Public Saftey
The level of violence we are seeing in our community is holding us all hostage. We are past the point of talking about prevention. We need a plan of action that brings forth substantial results. Without addressing all aspects of crime, results will remain limited.
I will address the social inequalities we are facing to increase public safety. Working with law enforcement to redefine and identify policies that are specific to the needs of District 4. Making sure we are emphasizing the anonymity of reporting crime and encourage the importance of law enforcement building relationships within the community. The safety of District 4 is no longer negotiable!

Economic Development
My plan focuses on educational attainment, entrepreneurship and professional growth, job creation and security, financial stability to reintroduce economics stability to District 4.
As your council person, I will bring entrepreneurs’ ideas to life by providing strategic support, operational tools and ensure financial granting is allocated without bias to nonprofits and social-purpose businesses. Providing support through all stages of entrepreneurship - from startup to growth, development, and success.
The ability to effectively market District 4 to attract desired businesses and grocery stores will no longer be postponed. Aggressively marketing the community’s potential, utilizing local, state, and federal incentives to help reduce the financial risks, and overcoming the obstacles that have delayed development is how we will move forward.
Advancing our approach and demonstrating a willingness and open-minded attitude, will cultivate greater business relationships.
Modernizing Infrastructure
As we progress in technology, our economy will become more dependent on infrastructure; such as roads and transportation systems, water and waste transportation, broadband, and the power grid.
I will support the necessary investments for the betterment of District 4 to see an increase in productivity and wage growth over the long term as a result of infrastructure that is of higher quality and more effective.

Create Opportunities for our Youth
Teens and young adults have the power to create change in society by participating in their communities. In order to reach a wide range of allies, young people can offer a unique perspective on community issues, utilizing technology in novel ways, and partner with adult leaders. Service is a crucial component of civic engagement that can have a significant impact not only on students, but also on the communities in which they live.
I will build relationships with our educators and wholeheartedly support programs for our youth. Building on the foundation of education and social responsibility, we will bring up future leaders that we can depend on. We are the exemplars of our children's behavior!